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The Spanish Maritime Institute -Instituto Marítimo Español (IME)-  is a pioneering center of reference in Spain and in Spanish-speaking countries specializing in quality maritime education since 1984. More than three hundred courses have been completed with over 4,000 students from public and private companies engaged in maritime activities having passed through IME’s classrooms.

The IME was created by a group of maritime professionals in order to meet the training needs of existing maritime activity. Since then, the IME has developed many training programs in the maritime field and at various levels; from Masters programs in Maritime Business and Maritime Law, maritime monographic courses, "in-company", etc. for maritime professionals.


In January 2020, King Felipe VI received in a private audience a representation of the Spanish Maritime Institute for its trajectory of training professionals in the maritime sector both in Spain and Latin America:

Link here to the news on the website of the royal household.

IME´s training programmes are well executed exclusively by the IME or in collaboration with prestigious universities and institutions such as the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Bureau Veritas Business School, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gasnam-Neutral Transport, Universidad Libre of Colombia, International Maritime University of Panama, etc.


IME’s area of maritime education is divided into Classroom-based and Online Training developing specialized and tailor-made courses "in-company" in either of the two forms, such as a postgraduate course with a university degree.


Other activities developed by IME...

The IME started conducting consultancy studies for the sector in January 1985 as a complementary activity to training, having done more than 100 studies for Administration, institutions and companies so far.

Among the most prominent studies we can note:

The Spanish Maritime Institute began its activity as editor of publications on maritime issues in 1989.  Since then it has published a diverse range of works: Directorate of Fisheries, Maritime Encyclopedia, Code of Maritime Law (CODEMAR), Maritime Economics, Collection of International Maritime Law Conventions

This innovative project of the IME Group is the first business center dedicated to the maritime industry. It was created with the aim to facilitate maximum business development of any organization in our industry. SBC offers a wide range of services, both general and specific to the maritime field that facilitates the implementation of most companies, regardless of size.


IME offers face-to-face, online, in streaming, dual, etc. courses to suit the needs of the students.

The subject matter of the courses is divided into:



Información e inscripciones en:


Ofrecemos un descuento exclusivo del 15% a los miembros del Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panamá, en 5 cursos online de máxima actualidad

Para solicitar este descuento, póngase en contacto con nosotros:

1) Bunker en el negocio marítimo (10ª edición)  

2) Máster en Shipping Business Administration & Logistics (11ª edición 

3) Máster en Reparación de Buques y Unidades Offshore (4ª edición)  
  • Curso online
  • Desarrollado en colaboración con la Universidad de Las Palmas
  • Formación altamente competitiva para un sector en auge
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Fechas: 10/11/2021 al 10/12/2022

4) Shipping de GNL (8ª edición) 

5) Bienestar Integral a bordo en el MLC 2006 

Para solicitar este descuento, póngase en contacto con nosotros:
Diseño y programación por Social Feeling, S.L.
Copyright © 2016 - Instituto Marítimo Español

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